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Computer Access

Head Mouse

If you are unable to access a standard mouse and keyboard, but you have good head control, a head mouse may be all you need to regain access to your computer.

There are a few different systems out on the market, but most systems are very expensive (over $900). There is one system that is very good, and reasonably priced, the SmartNAV AT Package.

Smart Nav Head Mouse

The way this device works is that it replaces the mouse by tracking a reflective dot on the user's body. The dot can be placed on the user's head, or any other body part that the system can follow. By tracking the dot, the mouse cursor moves across the screen. To type, there is a picture of a keyboard on the screen, and the mouse pointer is used to select the key to be typed.

The SmartNAV AT Package comes with the SmartNAV device, a switch cable, a sheet of reflective dots, a monitor mount, and an electronic manual. This system costs $400.

If you want to use a switch for clicking, you also need to purchase a switch, or get one on loan from The ALS Association Equipment Loan Program.

If you have a Mac, you also need to purchase a software upgrade that costs $200.

Here are some other websites that offer the SmartNAV AT Package: (This website is the only source for the MAC software.

More Computer software and hardware products available to PALS:

Onscreen Keyboard
Mouseless Browsing

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